Family News

Please check daily for the current updates for our church family.  Please email if you have something you wish to share with the congregation.  We ask that you have permission before sharing anyone's private information.

Prayer Request

Kathy Brock • has fallen and broke her collarbone and knee cap. 

Georgia Burroughs • is in NHC room 428 for rehab to regain strength

Mildred Chester • had a pacemaker put in and has returned home.  Please pray that she regains strength.

Vic Chester •  son of Mildred Chester, has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer.  He will be undergoing chemo.

Cliff Dobbs  has been place under the care of Hospice.  Visitors welcome.

Eugenio Guevera •  Nathaly Unda's father, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer in Venezuela.  Their visa has been approved and they plan to come to the states in a few weeks.

Paul Meacham •  brother of Betty Anderson, upcoming treatments.  Cards: PO Box 266 Morrison, TN 37357

Jody Smith •  a spot was detected on her last mammogram.  She will undergo further testing on Sept. 27.

Trish Thomas • a member of the Lawson High School community has reached out to ask for prayers on her behalf.  She is the wife of Al Thomas, Sperry's proprietor.  She is fighting lymph node cancer and her last trial was not successful.  They are asking that no one reach out to them to allow them to have time where cancer is not their focus.


Please remember that there are further prayer requests for ongoing needs in our weekly prayer list available each Sunday.  The requests listed here include only recent requests, and each will be included here for a month before being moved to the weekly prayer list for continued prayer as needed.