Family News

Please check daily for the current updates for our church family.  Please email if you have something you wish to share with the congregation.  We ask that you have permission before sharing anyone's private information.

Prayer Request

Diane Berger • niece of Mable Blevins, is having chemo treatments for liver cancer

Kathy Brock • has fallen and broke her collarbone and knee cap. 

Georgia Burroughs • is in NHC room 428 for rehab to regain strength

Johnnie Sue Curfman •  has an upper respiratory infection, please pray she doesn't develop pneumonia

John Michael Emerson •  in the death of his grandmother, Bobbie Emerson, on Thurs, Oct. 10.Her service will be in West Tennesseee prayer list

John Hayes   is at Life Care Center of Old Hickory Village for rehab

Oscar Ferguson friend of John Hamblen, his daughter has severe brain damage from an automobile accident

Betty Jacobs has returned home

Earline McKinney •  recently diagnosed with breast cancer

Phyllis Osman •  mother of Matt Osman & Mene Jividen, sister of Judy McBrayer, had lung surgery

Rex Roberts •  is in St. Thomas recovering from surgery.  No visitors, at this time

Patty Sensing •  is at NHC at the Trace, Room 421 recovering from knee surgery.  No visitors, cards welcome


Please remember that there are further prayer requests for ongoing needs in our weekly prayer list available each Sunday.  The requests listed here include only recent requests, and each will be included here for a month before being moved to the weekly prayer list for continued prayer as needed.