Ministry team is for you IF:

  1. You no longer want to just be ministered to & served, but want to minister to & serve others
  2. You don’t want to just be a believer, but want to be a follower/disciple and worker. 
  3. You want accountability and ministry training to become like Jesus Christ. 

Ministry Team MINISTRY Responsibilities:

  1. Regularly attend church worship services and youth group with an attitude of giving (being a positive influence & example) and growing (participation in worship).
  2. Be actively involved in ministry to believers and the spiritually lost (an other-centered, not self-centered heart). You are at YG events to Give as well as “get.”
  3. Attend Ministry Team meetings and special out-reach activities. You may miss one Ministry Team meeting a semester (with lenience for illness & death), but more than one reflects a lack of faithfulness. 

Ministry Team PERSONAL Responsibilities:

  1. Regular quiet time…becoming a disciple by applying God’s Word to your life. 
  2. Be growing in heart attitudes of those AFTR more: Available, Faithful, Teachable, Responsive
  3. Seek/pursue God first, making your relationship with Him your first priority above all else (sports, job, school, friends, opposite gender, etc..).